Mary has had a very heavy schedule since she was released from the Hospital. She had to have blood work done every other day for the first 2 weeks and a weekly appointment with the Oncologist. Once her blood started to respond on its own she only had to have blood work done once a week.
I have like fifty flippin’ tests they want to do. Just on Wednesday I had to go to the gynecology lady (and that was just awkward, but kind of funny, the first thing she said to me after was that I was without a doubt a virgin…go me!), then a bone biopsy, then a spinal tap (just so you know, when your wife has to have a needle jabbed into her spine, when giving birth, be sensitive to the fact that it will hurt and they somehow want you to breath in deeply while sucking in your stomach….doesn’t make much sense does it?), then an echo, then an x-ray and by the time the day was over I was a sobbing shell of a human being. I spent the next two days sleeping.