Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 5 Update

Mary had her transplant on the 11th.  It was anti-climatic as it was just like a blood transfusion.  The medical staff in the BMT ward came in and we all sang "Happy Birthday" to her and they gave her a gift of a beautiful throw blanket.  Debbi and I also thought it was significant that her transplant was on Veterans Day, as Mary's father was a veteran in two wars and his service to our country may have been the cause of his and possibly Mary's leukemia.  Maybe that was a sign to us that he and Daniel are working hard for her on the other side.

Now the stem cells need to figure out that they need to be bone marrow cells and get to work.

Today is day five.  Mary is pretty miserable, although all of the things that she is dealing with are normal for her treatments.  That doesn't make it any better, but at least it is not something unexpected.  She is in pain and it is painful to talk, or do most anything else.  They have given her the morphine button, so she can give herself pain medicine, instead of having to wait for someone to bring it to her.  Hopefully that will make things better.

This is Debbi's Facebook status post today:  Mary is really low right now. I just haven't had the heart to tell her she hasn't hit the bottom yet. Last night I just held her hand while we watched a movie because anything else is painful. Thank goodness for the blessings she has had and all the prayers on her behalf.

Please continue to pray for Mary and Debbi.  And please remember T in your prayers, also.  I know they could all use all the prayers they can get.


  1. Thanks for keeping us posted. I keep up on it and I am glad it's here. I do and will continue to keep all of you in my prayers.

  2. Debie, I found you guys on facebook, and I saw you had a blog.. I was not expecting to hear all that I have read. WOW, you guys have surely endured many things in this life, your such a WONDERFUL Family and my prayers are with you guys and Mary, keep your chin up and know were praying for you. If there is ANYTHING we can do we would LOVE to be of help.
    Love ya, Shalise (Veenendaal) Benjamin
